Where inclusion becomes real

Welcome to our full-service Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agency, where we guide organizations on their Diversity & Inclusion journey, from start to finish. Our toolkit comprises proven, validated methods tailored to fit your organization's specific needs. Plus, we offer an eLearning platform with hands-on video tutorials and playbooks that showcase inclusive practices, real-world case studies, and best practices.

Spotlight consultancy will help to jumpstart your inclusion journey

Choose a consultancy area you need help with:

D&I learning

D&I measurement

Strategic D&I development


Explore and apply the practices of our
expert Spotlighters

Discover the video tutorials and training playbooks that best-suit your organisation’s needs

Choose the best plan for eLearning for you or your organisation

Billed monthly I  Billed annually I Automatic renewal I Cancel Anytime


699 SEK



Enjoy access to:

  • All video tutorials led by D&I professionals and changemakers

  • Training playbooks that accompany each video tutorial

For organisations

We will offer you the best plan based on your needs and number of accounts.

Enjoy access to:

  • All video tutorials led by D&I professionals and changemakers

  • Training playbooks that accompany each video tutorial

Get in touch to receive a customised offer or consultancy by a Spotlight expert of your choice.

By Spotlighting and sharing people's stories behind organisations, together we are exploring new perspectives and ways for creating true belonging. And through that - building a more connected world.

Become a Spotlight member and join our community of heroes - the real changemakers

Access ever growing number of  video tutorials and playbooks

Frequently asked questions!